Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Want to help the homeless in Chicago?

Here's some information sent to me from the Lincoln Park Community Shelter (LPCS).  Look it over and let me know what you think/ what kind of volunteer work you might be interested in!   

Their mission statement reads: 

"The Lincoln Park Community Shelter brings our community together to empower homeless men and women to make life changes."

Click here for more info on LPCS's vision and values.

Click here for info about the history of LPCS

Also, click here to see artwork and poems of LPCS guests.  From the site: "These are the creative expressions of the individuals here at the Lincoln Park Community Shelter. Guests have submitted art ranging from poetry to drawings, creative-nonfiction to photography. Guests have chosen to share this work with the larger LPCS community as a way of expressing their unique and diverse perspectives."



Volunteering your time to work directly with people experiencing homelessness is one of the best ways to learn about homelessness and help to meet immediate needs at the same time. 

Call LPCS at (773) 549 6111 x 202 or e-mail LPCSinfo@lpcsonline.org to schedule.


Daily Needs


Nightly Meals: Purchase, prepare, and serve a nutritious dinner for 35 homeless guests.  Timeframe for this activity is 6:00-8:30pm.  Dinner Volunteers provide meals 365 days/year.  Great for groups!

Overnight Supervision: Provide supervision for the shelter and the guests (8pm-7/8am). Volunteers are not expected to stay awake all night. In a separate room they can read, finish work, or sleep. In the morning volunteers help set out the breakfast and help guests prepare for their day.  Must be at least 18 years of age. 


Sack Lunches: Purchase and prepare 30 bag lunches for the guests.  A sample lunch consists of: Meat & cheese sandwich, piece of fruit or cookie, juice drink box, and bag of chips.


Front Desk: Monday – Friday, 6-8pm, Sat/Sun11-2, 2-5 and 5-8pm – Volunteers are needed to oversee front desk duties, including answering and directing phone calls, answering the front door, signing in/out guests and visitors, and other light administrative duties.  Great way to work with staff, guests and fellow volunteers.  Must be at least 18 years of age.


Other Opportunities


Saturday Hot Lunches: Purchase, prepare and serve a nutritious hot lunch for the guests on Saturday.  Timeframe for this activity is 12:00 – 2:30pm.  Lunch is served at 1:30pm.


Track Activities Volunteer (TAV):  Spend one hour during the day or evening to host a TAV class, which focuses on enhancing guests’ personal and professional life skills (legal, health, computer tutors, reading and/or math tutors, financial, stress management, communication, art, hair dressers).  Share another talent – we are open to fun and new ideas!


One on One Volunteer: The One on One Program provides direct financial assistance up to $500 in rental assistance.  Work one-on-one with applicants on topics such as budgeting and goal setting.


Committee Members: Join one of five committees as a way to get involved with Shelter operations:


  • Resource Development: Ensures the Shelter’s financial health and assists in the development of the Shelter’s strategic vision; includes budget monitoring & developing fundraising strategies.
  • Marketing & Communications: Develops and implements strategies and tools to build awareness and support of LPCS through various communication channels.




Committees Continued:


  • Special Events: Plans and executes the Shelter’s special event fundraisers including the quarterly happy hours, The Metamorphosis Party in the Spring, and A Taste of Fall.
  • Program: Assist the LPCS Program Director in monitoring each of the Shelter’s programs (for the homeless) and will recommend and oversee changes to improve upon the programs.  Volunteers should have experience working in Social Services.
  • Volunteer: Assists in recruiting and retaining volunteers by strengthening existing relationships and developing new ones with community organizations.



Supply Drives:  Contribute items to assist our shelter and its guests.  Collect much needed items such as breakfast foods, socks, shirts, and underwear.  Supply drives are an easy way to get your co-workers, family, students or friends involved!  Call ahead to coordinate your donations and for an updated list of Shelter needs, (773) 549-6111 ext. 202.


Clothing Items:  new socks and underwear; gently used professional clothing


Food:  Cereal, oatmeal, coffee, creamer, sugar, peanut butter, juice, breakfast bars, napkins


Toiletries: Deodorant, travel size toothpaste & brushes


Laundry & cleaning:  detergent, sponges, bath towels, bleach, dish soap, dishwasher soap


First aid: pain relievers, alcohol-free cold and cough medicine, band-aids, ice packs


Office supplies: copy paper, file folders, pens, and pencils

600 West Fullerton Parkway ¨ Chicago, Il 60614

www.lpcsonline.org  ¨ (773) 549-6111



So, think it over and let me know what kind of volunteer work at LPCS you might be interested in!  Thanks!  -Lisa

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