Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Thursday MoveOn.org Gathering

Hi! I'm Joel, one of your neighbors in Chicago. Like so many others, I've been savoring Obama's historic victory -- and I want to make sure we keep the momentum going!

So on Thursday, 11/20, I'm hosting a "Fired Up and Ready to Go" gathering for everyone in the area who wants to keep this campaign going--and you're invited!

MoveOn is organizing these all around the country. The plan is to kick off a big campaign to help Obama pass bold, progressive changes. We're going to get started organizing locally to make sure Congress feels pressure to work with Obama on his key initiatives. And we're going to brainstorm about what else we can do.

I'm hopeful that Obama's going to push for real change on the economy, the climate crisis, health care, and the war. But there's no way he can do it without millions of us by his side. And that starts right here in his home town, Chicago!

So please come to my gathering and bring a friend -- we're fired up and ready to go!

Here are the details:
"Fired Up and Ready to Go" Gathering
Host: Joel F—fellow MoveOn member
Where: North and Halsted (in Chicago)
When: Thursday, Nov. 20, 2008, at 6:30 PM
Can you come? Click here to RSVP:

Hope to see you there!–Joel F., fellow MoveOn member

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