Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Does SAIC really recycle?

What’s going on with recycling at SAIC?   Sure you’ve seen the recycling bins around the hallways, but it’s hard to know if the plastics, papers, etc. you put there really make it to the recycling plant.


There’s some understandable confusion about recycling at SAIC.  In the fall there were all these cardboard containers to separate paper, plastic, and cans.  Now these new plastic bins are appearing that are virtually identical to the regular trash bins, but have transparent trash bags and stickers reading “SAIC Recycles!”  Are these really recycling bins?  What am I supposed to put in them?  Will the stuff really get recycled? 


These new bins are part of SAIC’s new co-mingling recycling policy.  Instructional Resources and Facilities Management is in the process of streamlining recycling in all SAIC buildings.  Paper, plastic, and aluminum can ALL be put in the same recycling bin, and YES, they really are separated and recycled by SAIC’s trash contractor, Allied Waste.  Yes, it would be great to have recycling bins that are easily distinguishable from the regular trash, but at the moment SAIC doesn’t have the funds to purchase a whole new set of recycling bins, and for now we’re making do with what we’ve got.


 So keep an eye out for these new co-mingling recycling bins, and USE THEM!! 


If you’re concerned about something, don’t just grumble, speak up!  The Department of Instructional Resources and Facilities Management welcomes your questions or comments about SAIC’s recycling or other related issues.  They can be reached at: (312) 759-1385, 37 South Wabash, Room 1001.


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